On Thursday 13 December 2001 01:07 pm, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Blending Ryan's and Greg's observations with my own...
> It probably makes more sense to register the supported handlers (one
> call per handler/name) with a handler name to follow the 1.3 convention.
> For all simple cases, this is probably best.
> Only modules with interesting characteristics (not foo-bar names, but
> rather */* matches, such as a .gif file processing engine or something
> like that) would want to try grabbing handler_fn along the request.

I still think the handler_fn function is overkill.  The performance of Apache 1.3
wasn't bad, because we did sane string compares, making sure that the
lengths were equal before doing a full strcmp.

Using the handler_fn is going to make writing a module VERY complex, because
we will have multiple ways to solve the same problem.  Either we use a
handler_fn, or we use a handler name, not both.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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