From: "Greg Ames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 3:44 PM

> Ryan Bloom wrote:
> > I still think the handler_fn function is overkill.  The performance of Apache 1.3
> > wasn't bad, because we did sane string compares, making sure that the
> > lengths were equal before doing a full strcmp.
> You're right, 1.3 was faster than the way we do it now.  But we could do
> better still.  
> I was thinking of something like a hash or a trie search for exact
> matches on r->handler.  But then OtherBill got me thinking that if a
> module decided that it could serve the request in some earlier phase, it
> ought to be able to do something to latch on to the handler phase and
> eliminate most of the searching altogether.  

If we do implement this with a hash, to a static handler name (drop this
whole idea of pattern matches), then I think the one solution makes the
most sense.  Leave it a string for the common case, and those few that
are setting themselves up based on wildcards can simply set the r->handler


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