* Jim Jagielski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> Thom May wrote:
> > 
> > > How about an extra echo:
> > > 
> > > if [ "x`$aux/getuid.sh`" != "x0" -a "x$port" = "x" ]; then
> > >   conf_port="8080"
> > >   echo "Non-root process. Server will run on port $conf_port"
> > > fi
> > 
> > I think the best solution is to educate the user, rather than to do
> > something unexpected.
> > if [ "x`$aux/getuid.sh`" != "x0" -a "x$port" = "x" ]; then
> >         echo "You are not currently the superuser. Therefore we can't start
> >         apache listening on a privileged port (One above 1024)"
> > fi
> > 
> Add to that the "Server will run..." message and the setting to port 8080
> and +1 :)
Please don't do this. We should_not_ be second guessing the user.

> I'd prefer education but also that they get a configuration that they
> can test "right after" a build/install :)
How do you know they are not doing what I do:
configure; build and install as thom
run as root.

There is a perfectly good configure option to change the port, if they want
the port changed the user should use that. 
A config system should not alter configs away from the default unless the
user specifically requests it.
If we do this I'm sure we'll see an awful lot of PRs cropping up of the
"started apache but it is not listening on http://localhost/";

This is a non-commiter's -1, then.



"Historically speaking, the presences of wheels in Unix
 has never precluded their reinvention." - Larry Wall

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