On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 09:30:17PM -0700, Brian Pane wrote:
> Well, threaded MPMs or large vhost configurations won't run as
> shipped.  And the httpd doesn't increase its own fd limit like
> competing servers do (or like 1.3 does, for that matter).  And
> until this fix, the httpd wasn't operating in accordance with its
> own documentation, which claimed that the server would increase
> its own file descriptor limit as needed (second paragraph
> of http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/vhosts/fd-limits.html )

I'm sorry, but may I'm misunderstanding what exactly it is that
you are trying to solve. Could you please elaborate on what it is
you've changed and what problems it solves (that can not be solved
by setting limits manually in a startup script)?

> >In order to use our product in certain ways your system may have
> >to be configured to allow our product to use more file descrioptors.
> >
> >Now you have made it so that the apachectl script overrides my
> >environment limits, this is badness.
> What's your use case for setting lower environmental limits?

To prevent the web server from using so many fds that other processes are
starved and/or fail. To prevent buggy modules from consuming more than
their fair share of valuable system resources. So that I as an admin
can simply set the limits that I prefer in my environment and not have
to undo some overrides that exist in a product-proprietary startup script.


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