
Were IIS and Tomcat on the same windows hardware as 
the Apache httpds?  Are you seeing network issues
(e.g.- rexmits) -- you might have them everywhere, but 
your Solaris may not be configured well (ndd,MTU,etc).


-----Original Message-----
From: Jess M. Holle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x Performance Issue

Ian Holsman wrote:

Jess M. Holle wrote: 

Both Apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x suffer a severe perfomance issue when the server is on 
Windows and the client is Solaris (and perhaps others). 

Before you stop reading this as simply "we know Windows does not perform well", I 
should point out that this does not occur when the client is Windows or Linux, nor 
when the server is on the same Windows box but is IIS or Tomcat (standalone)! 

Some rough download speeds: 

    * recent Apache 1.3.x on Windows: 
          o client on Solaris (8): 80K/sec 
          o client on Linux or Windows: 8MB/sec 
    * recent Apache 2.0.x on Windows: 
          o client on Solaris (8): 120K/sec 
          o client on Linux or Windows: 8MB/sec 
    * IIS on Windows 
          o any client tried: 8-9 MB/sec 
    * Tomcat (standalone) on Windows 
          o any client tried: ~8MB/sec 

just out of interest does the same thing happen when we have a solaris server and a 
windows client? 
I'm not sure.  I've not yet tried that (and actually another engineer ran all these 
tests).  I also just noticed that I got some numbers slightly wrong:

Apache 2.0.39 on Windows
client on Solaris (8): 649 K/s 
client on Linux: 9.1 MB/s

[I've appended this amended info to the bug report.]

Jess Holle

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