Ian Holsman wrote:

> Jess M. Holle wrote:
>> William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>>> At 11:54 AM 8/29/2002, Jess M. Holle wrote:
>>>> Jason Kissinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) responded:
>>>>> Windows clients hitting Solaris servers does not exhibit this 
>>>>> problem. Only Solaris clients hitting Windows servers.  I'm unsure 
>>>>> if other UN*X have this problem, Linux and Windows does not.  And 
>>>>> Solaris client hitting anything but Windows works fine.  We have 
>>>>> some HP/UX boxes that I could build wget on to test as clients, if 
>>>>> that would be helpful.
>>> Do the Windows boxes have the Quality of Service (QoS) Network Drivers
>>> installed?  Are they running any firewall software?  Are there any 
>>> unpatched
>>> XP boxes with the AFD.SYS fault lying around? 
>> I don't know the answers to any of these questions.
>> I do know that this occurs on multiple networks, i.e. ours and our 
>> customers, so whatever it is is not at all unusual.  As such it would 
>> be great if either Apache was fixed or the necessary fixes to the 
>> Windows and/or Solaris configurations when this occurs were fully 
>> documented :-)
>> Has anyone gotten *good* (e.g. something on par with 8MB/sec) 
>> download performance with an Apache server on Windows and a Solaris 
>> client?  [Is there a counter-example to prove that this poor 
>> performance is not always true of this combination -- without 
>> cranking the ack interval to unreal values, that is.]
> I'll try to get a simple test going from my laptop tomorrow.
> can you tell me what solaris version/update you are running.
> you are downloading a >single< large file right 

server:  Windows 2000sp2, Apache 1.3.26 with mod_jk/1.1.0 and Tomcat 
3.2.4 (reproducible with all other Apache and Tomcat versions I've tried)
file:  dd if=/dev/urandom of=8mbfile bs=1 count=8000000

where httpd.conf has

<IfModule mod__jk.c>
    JkWorkersFiles "C:/tomcat/conf/workers.properties"
    JkMount /webapp/* ajp13

client:  SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000
test1: wget http://w2k/8mbfile == 80KB/s
test2: wget http://w2k/webapp/8mbfile == 1MB/s

client:  Linux 2.4.18-3smp
test1: wget http://w2k/8mbfile == 8MB/s
test2: wget http://w2k/webapp/8mbfile == 1MB/s

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