I can check into this (as I said another engineer ran the tests), but 
these servers were on the same network segments.

Also, our customers are seeing roughly the same numbers (at least for 
Apache 1.3 -- they're not up to 2.0 yet).

Jess Holle

Clay Webster wrote:

>Were IIS and Tomcat on the same windows hardware as 
>the Apache httpds?  Are you seeing network issues
>(e.g.- rexmits) -- you might have them everywhere, but 
>your Solaris may not be configured well (ndd,MTU,etc).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jess M. Holle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 4:30 PM
>Subject: Re: Apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x Performance Issue
>Ian Holsman wrote:
>Jess M. Holle wrote: 
>Both Apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x suffer a severe perfomance issue when the server is on 
>Windows and the client is Solaris (and perhaps others). 
>Before you stop reading this as simply "we know Windows does not perform well", I 
>should point out that this does not occur when the client is Windows or Linux, nor 
>when the server is on the same Windows box but is IIS or Tomcat (standalone)! 
>Some rough download speeds: 
>    * recent Apache 1.3.x on Windows: 
>          o client on Solaris (8): 80K/sec 
>          o client on Linux or Windows: 8MB/sec 
>    * recent Apache 2.0.x on Windows: 
>          o client on Solaris (8): 120K/sec 
>          o client on Linux or Windows: 8MB/sec 
>    * IIS on Windows 
>          o any client tried: 8-9 MB/sec 
>    * Tomcat (standalone) on Windows 
>          o any client tried: ~8MB/sec 
>just out of interest does the same thing happen when we have a solaris server and a 
>windows client? 
>I'm not sure.  I've not yet tried that (and actually another engineer ran all these 
>tests).  I also just noticed that I got some numbers slightly wrong:
>Apache 2.0.39 on Windows
>client on Solaris (8): 649 K/s 
>client on Linux: 9.1 MB/s
>[I've appended this amended info to the bug report.]
>Jess Holle

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