My test cases were against a Windows 2000 server, not XP.  Our customer 
is seeing this against a Windows NT 4.0 system.

I'm sorry, I'm a UN*X hack so don't know much about Windows:

How do I check if QoS Network Drivers are installed?

There is no firewall in the picture.

I did a search of my 2000 server and found afd.sys files in 
C:\WINNT\ServicePackFiles\i386, C:\WINNT\system32\dllcache and 
C:\WINNT\system32\drivers.  How do I check if these are patched 
sufficiently?  They are 122,672 bytes large and have a timestamp of 


From:*  "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

*Date:*  Thu Aug 29, 2002  12:22 pm
*Subject:*  Re: Apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x Performance Issue

At 11:54 AM 8/29/2002, Jess M. Holle wrote:
 >Jason Kissinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 >>Windows clients hitting Solaris servers does not exhibit this problem.
 >>Only Solaris clients hitting Windows servers. I'm unsure if other UN*X
 >>have this problem, Linux and Windows does not. And Solaris client
 >>hitting anything but Windows works fine. We have some HP/UX boxes that I
 >>could build wget on to test as clients, if that would be helpful.

Do the Windows boxes have the Quality of Service (QoS) Network Drivers
installed? Are they running any firewall software? Are there any unpatched
XP boxes with the AFD.SYS fault lying around?

 >In short there really is something screwy with the way Apache on Windows
 >interacts with Solaris clients.

Something's strange, that's for certain.


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