Paul Querna wrote:
On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 14:52:07 -0700, David Shane Holden wrote

Since there seems to be some interest in including a mysql auth module into the tree, here's a postgres module which I've coded and have been using for the past month or so. As for a connection pool... I haven't figured out a way to have postres use a connection opened by another process... it likes spiking the cpu and sitting in some pqbytes function or some shit like that when doing a query on it.


I am using apr_reslist to implment pooling of Database connections.

My problem isn't managing a pool of connections... it's if process A creates the connection, process B can use it with no problem, but if process C tries to use it, it barfs and spikes in a function in libpq, i think it was pgbytes.


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