I very rarely post to this list, but I've been building web sites for
over eight years, and want to chime in.

In my experience building web sites for Fortune 500 companies (some of
them Fortune 50 companies), the "get Apache to serve static content
while Tomcat only takes care of servlets and JSPs" feature is a *huge*

But do you know what the biggest draws of all would be to any Apache 2
module that connects to tomcat?

1. Fantastic documentation. I cannot stress this enough. Hell, I'd even
volunteer for this part. The module iteself could be poorly implemented,
problematic to compile, and have truly silly defaults, but if it was
incredibly well and clearly documented, I'd use it over mod_jk2 starting

2. Barring my comments in 1, a module that really and truly works, and
has useful out-of-the-box (or freshly-compiled) defaults. (Maybe even,
by defalt, *only* passes servelt/JSP requests to tomcat, and lets Apache
handle the rest automatically.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Leggett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:12 AM
Cc: Tomcat Developers List
Subject: Re: Invitation to HTTPD commiters in tomcat-dev

Henri Gomez wrote:

> And what about using AJP/1.3 instead of HTTP for connection to tomcat

In all my deployments of tomcat I have never seen the point of a custom 
protocol that did exactly what HTTP does, so all my tomcat deployments 
are all HTTP, with a simple mod_proxy frontend.

Even the "get Apache to server static content" feature wasn't enough of 
a drawcard, as proper HTTP cache handling and a suitable cache solved 
this problem. It was far more important for me to arrange the web 
application as a self contained unit - I would rather be more tidy with 
an install at the expense of a slightly higher load, than sacrifice a 
clean install to save some cycles.

> - If you add load-balancing/fault-tolerance and AJP 1.3 support in
>   mod_proxy you'll have about 99% of the current functionalities of
>   jk 1.2.x.
> We discussed also the need for some dynamic mapping and topology 
> discovery/update (between Apache and Tomcats Clusters).

Proxy has a placeholder in it that says "put the code to make decision 
about load balancing etc here" - all that is needed is a hook and a 
module "proxy_loadbalancing.c" to make it happen.

> And in fine, we like to have some JMX like functionnalities in Apache
> in our case CMX for C Management Extension, a way to update Apache 2.x
> configuration while the server is running...

This is possibly a whole separate project in itself.

I have been meaning to work on a get-apache-config-out-of-ldap extension

for a while, what it really should be is "get apache config out of 
wherever", but this should be an Apache wide thing, not limited to a 
single module or technology.


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