Henri Gomez wrote:

It's now time to refactor and redesign it with Apache 2.x (APR/AP) in
mind to follow Apache 2.x admins habbits and try to make something

We came on httpd-dev for advice from experts, and may be an
extended mod_proxy could be the solution. But we also want to keep
the AJP/1.3 and AJP/1.4 protocols since it works well and so a pure
HTTP proxy is only part of the game.

I think any module that speaks ajp/1.X should be called mod_ajp, keeps things simple and clean.

- Could mod_proxy be open to support AJP/1.x as tomcat connections ?

I don't think mod_proxy should support ajp, rather a dedicated ajp module should.

But I'm still not convinced a separate protocol is needed when HTTP exists and is supported already.

The "httpd serves the static content" feature can be implemented through extending ProxyPass to support regular expressions, for example:

ProxyPass /myWebapp/*.jsp http://tomcat/myWebapp/

I'm not sure if persistent connections over and above HTTP/1.1 keepalives is that useful.


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