> On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
> Sounds a lot more feasible than travelling to .us for a hack.
> But I'm wondering what this actually achieves?  Sure, it gets people
> to focus on Getting Things Done, but a *scheduled* IRC+pastebin-based
> hackathon could do that without the hassle and cost of travel.

IMHO, a 'virtual hackathon' has been proven not to be effective for us. 
In the past when we've tried those, they've been a dismal failure as so
few people show up.  The communication latency is also so high (people get
distracted, bored, conflicting schedules) that a 'virtual hackathon' is
really little better than the mailing lists we use every day.

I think forcing people to get in the same physical room free from other
distractions a few times a year (certainly no more than once a quarter!)
would have good benefits for us as a project.  It'd serve as a forcing
function for our focus as a group: and that'd be excellent to drive
innovation here.

As I just said to David, I think the ASF-wide hackathons aren't as
effective because many people are too over-committed to be able to focus
on one thing while they are there.  -- justin

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