On Oct 10, 2007, at 6:01 AM, Aleksey Midenkov wrote:

On Tuesday 09 October 2007 22:49:38 Jim Jagielski wrote:

That's a 1997 date, btw :)

There were no word about broken browsers in that commit, only about broken
proxy. ;)

On Tuesday 09 October 2007 22:41:19 Jim Jagielski wrote:
I can't see changing the behavior now, after all these years.
If we want to create a variant that maintains the feasibility of
keepalives, then a big +1 for that, but it should be a new
envvar, not changing the userland experience of an existing one...

And if browser asks explicitly for Keep-Alive, why not to satisfy it? You should keep in mind that implicit behaviour is 'Connection: Close' for 1.0
protocol. I think, new envvar will add unnecessary complexity to
configuration and redundant processing to servers...

And I think changing the behavior of an existing envvar from
how it's been used for ~10years is *sure* to create *more* confusion.

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