I used to use mod_macro, then I moved to mod_perl but like you said.
mod_perl is great (well, more okay than great) for dynamic configurations
that change/get generated on start and not per request.

A new more flexible alternative would be awsome.

Jorge (on vacation)

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Torsten Foertsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed 26 Mar 2008, Akins, Brian wrote:
> > > There seems to be a demand for dynamic per-request configuration,
> > > as evidenced by the number of users hacking it with mod_rewrite,
> > > and the other very limited tools available.  Modern mod_rewrite
> > > usage commonly looks like programming, but it's not designed as
> > > a programming language.  Result: confused and frustrated users.
> >
> > This is what I had in mind when I suggested having <Lua> blocks of code.
> >  No need to invent a new language when a perfectly fine one exists...
> As Issac pointed out something similar can be done with <Perl> blocks at
> the
> cost of having mod_perl in core. Those are not evaluated evaluated
> per-request.
> But based on mod_perl there is Apache2::Translation that does per-request
> configuration. It hooks uri translation, maptostorage and fixup to do the
> job. Again it needs a perl interpreter in core and hence doesn't work well
> with threaded MPMs. So I was going to reimplement it based on mod_wombat
> some
> time this year.
> I just wanted to add these $0.02 to the discussion.
> Torsten


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