On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:17:01 -0400
"Akins, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 3/27/08 3:58 AM, "Torsten Foertsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >  So I was going to reimplement it based on mod_wombat some
> > time this year.
> The nice thing about lua, in addition to being lightweight, is that
> most of the url mapping/rewriting can be simple lua statements.
> <Lua fixups>
> if string.match(r.uri, '/something') then
>      r.filename = '/www/that/path'
> end
> </Lua>

Fine for users who want to hack their own server.  Like <Perl>.

But r.filename is the kind of innards we really don't want
to expose to the typical mod_rewrite user!

> And if the more "complicated" modules had a little lua "glue":
> if string.match(r.uri, '/something') then
>      mod_cache:cacheable( r )
> end

A fine recipe for users shooting themselves in the foot, PHP-style.
How would you propose to make that work without hackage to
existing modules?

> If one were so inclined, the entire configuration could be lua.  Just
> define and register these functions that need to run per request.

That'll go alongside DrBacchus's "You can do everything with
mod_rewrite" :-)

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book

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