Hi, guys
    Nice to meet you :) I hope I can help to clarify the questions.

>    When you wrote mod_fcgid, was there any code which you borrowed
>    from mod_fastcgi?
No. I didn't borrow any code from mod_fastcgi.

>    Your current intention is for mod_fcgid to be available under
>    the GPL version 2.0, correct?  Could you confirm that you wanted
>    the GPL to apply to all the mod_fcgid code?
Yes, I confirm I wanted the GPL version 2.0 apply to everything.

>   Finally, Ryan, would you mind re-stating for the record your
> interest in the idea of mod_fcgid becoming an Apache project?
Actually I didn't care too much about which license I should choose. The
reason I chose GPL is that all other license descriptions are in English and
are tricky. I didn't want to spend much time on studying those terms so I
just followed most of people to choose GPL. I intended to put it as open
source so people can share. I don't really care which license it is under. 
(Thanks Miss Xiaomei for this native translation)

I was single when I developed this project, but now I have to spend more time
with my family, and I am now actually interesting on LinuxTV things(So I can 
spend time on
something both I and my wife need :).
But I would like to see someone else take over my mod_fcgid project and
continune to make it better. I get a lot from the others(that why I like open 
source and share),
and I would like to share to the other if I have a chance. It's my pleasure if 
ASF willing to take it over.

Anything I can help please let me know :)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Darroch" <chr...@pearsoncmg.com>
To: <dev@httpd.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 6:15 AM
Subject: mod_fcgid license questions

> Hi --
>   I believe Pan Qingfeng (潘庆峰), the developer of mod_fcgid, has
> joined this list for the time being while the possibility of mod_fcgid
> becoming project in the Apache incubator is discussed.  I'll use his
> English name of Ryan Pan from here on.
>   I asked Ryan to join so that he could answer the couple of questions
> regarding the origin of the mod_fcgid code and his licensing intentions
> which have come up so far, and also to thank him publicly for being
> willing to consider contributing mod_fcgid to the ASF.
>   Ryan, the main question which has come up in the last couple of
> days seems to be this one:
>    When you wrote mod_fcgid, was there any code which you borrowed
>    from mod_fastcgi?
>   The other questions I had related to the existing license for
> mod_fcgid:
>    Your current intention is for mod_fcgid to be available under
>    the GPL version 2.0, correct?  Could you confirm that you wanted
>    the GPL to apply to all the mod_fcgid code?
>    (I ask because the LICENSE file in mod_fcgid contains the GPL 2.0,
>    however, the .c and .h files don't also include the usual GPL text.)
>   Finally, Ryan, would you mind re-stating for the record your
> interest in the idea of mod_fcgid becoming an Apache project?
>   I'd like to personally extend my thanks to Ryan for developing
> mod_fcgid in the first place, for his interest in the idea of
> contributing it to the ASF, and for being willing to work through
> the licensing issues that will involve.  Many thanks!
>   (I'd also like to thank my colleague Sharon or Xiaomei Ma (笑梅),
> an excellent developer in her own right, for her help translating
> some of the communications Ryan and I have already had.)
> Chris.
> -- 
> GPG Key ID: 366A375B
> GPG Key Fingerprint: 485E 5041 17E1 E2BB C263  E4DE C8E3 FA36 366A 375B

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