pqf wrote:
> Hi, guys
>     Nice to meet you :) I hope I can help to clarify the questions.

Likewise :)

>>    When you wrote mod_fcgid, was there any code which you borrowed
>>    from mod_fastcgi?
> No. I didn't borrow any code from mod_fastcgi.

That's good - we are looking at the headers you use and the fcgi package
liberal licensing (as opposed to the mod_fastcgi package).

>>    Your current intention is for mod_fcgid to be available under
>>    the GPL version 2.0, correct?  Could you confirm that you wanted
>>    the GPL to apply to all the mod_fcgid code?
> Yes, I confirm I wanted the GPL version 2.0 apply to everything.

So to clarify, you don't seem strongly married to any particular license.

Is the AL 2.0 acceptable and would you be willing to license it such, or
offer a software grant under the terms of the AL 2.0?  See


we would also want to capture a CLA so that you can contribute your own
ideas to the new code


Finally, if there are other contributors to the efforts, aside from the
obvious simple bug fixes and maintenance, we would need their buy-in as
well, and count on you to identify such people that have shaped fcgid.

Looking forward to this solution!


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