pqf wrote:

   When you wrote mod_fcgid, was there any code which you borrowed
   from mod_fastcgi?
No. I didn't borrow any code from mod_fastcgi.

   Your current intention is for mod_fcgid to be available under
   the GPL version 2.0, correct?  Could you confirm that you wanted
   the GPL to apply to all the mod_fcgid code?
Yes, I confirm I wanted the GPL version 2.0 apply to everything.

But I would like to see someone else take over my mod_fcgid project and
continune to make it better. I get a lot from the others
(that why I like open source and share),
and I would like to share to the other if I have a chance.
It's my pleasure if ASF willing to take it over.

  Thanks, Ryan, for replying so promptly!

  OK, well, how should we proceed from here?  From my reading of
the Incubator process, if there's some consensus on this list that
we'd like to explore adopting mod_fcgid, we begin by recruiting a
Champion and then working on a proposal to make to the Incubator PMC.

  If accepted, I assume we'd then get a license grant or transfer
from Ryan and work on tracking down those folks from the ChangeLog
who've made substantial contributions (more than just "repair work").

  Are there steps I'm not aware of here?  Advice from those on
the Incubator PMC or with Incubator experience would be most welcome.



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