On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:34 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
<wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> Paul Querna wrote:
>> I am trying to parse what you mean by this vote Bill.
>> The vote is on all of the source release, including the -deps
>> tarballs.  For the terms of the vote, I will interpret this as a -1 on
>> the entire release.
> That's fine.  I interpret 'our release' as httpd.  If httpd is ready,
> it should keep moving, and the -deps package, while nice for GA, really
> isn't necessary for alphas IMHO.
>> I agree, the root of the problem is the APR project, and they should
>> do a release when they see fit.
> Agreed.  And that falls on you or I also, of course.  Expecting that
> we can agree to a release this week, sorry that overwork and lack of
> vision contributed to my dropping the ball on releasing apr-1.4 (not
> apr-util-1.4 where many 'questionable additions' reside).
>> I don't agree that we can't release a bundled unreleased version of
>> APR, we did this for many versions of httpd 2.0.x and 2.1.x.  It
>> definitely isn't preferred, but that's the APR project's problem.
> And we voted on that and released it.  After about a year of that chaos
> it evolved to apr releasing their own releases.  That's bootstrapping.
> It was part of the same package.  You've split this into two packages,
> so I truly can't discern your argument that '-deps' is mandatory for
> httpd to even ship.
> Finally, I have yet to see any feedback on the pcre mandatory dependency
> issue.  Comments?

On most platforms PCRE is a pretty common library these days.  I
believe it is either in the standard install or easy to install on all
linux/osx/freebsd/etc versions.  The common case is that people have
PCRE already somewhere on their system, unlike APR 1.4.x -- Most
people will not have that already installed.

I view libpcre as the same status as libz or libssl, both libraries
are widely distribtued, versioned and patched by OS Vendors, and
therefore should not be bundled, again in contrast to APR 1.4.x, which
no OS vendor bundles (yet).

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