On 6/15/11 7:40 PM, "Colm MacCárthaigh" <c...@allcosts.net> wrote:
>  Imagine
> that in turn feeding into a set of co-routine filters. That's
> fundamentally different - it parallelises content generation, but it's
> really really hard to do in C.

Depending on how far you want to push the model, it's not that hard.
Obviously you can't do "co-routines" but just using the current ideas about
requests and sub requests, you could easily do the subrequests in parallel.
FWIW, nginx can use Lua co-routines to do this and does it "natively" with
SSI's. The code, however, will make you go blind ;)

My biggest issue with HTTPD really comes down to connections per OS image.
In general, threads suck at this - memory "per connection" and context
switches just kill you.  "C1M" is just not that hard to achieve nowadays.

Brian Akins

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