2011/6/15 Colm MacCárthaigh <c...@allcosts.net>:
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Paul Querna <p...@querna.org> wrote:
>> I think we have all joked on and off about 3.0 for... well about 8 years now.
> At least!
>> I think there are exciting things happening in C however.
> I love C, but unless we can come up with something radical, it's hard
> to see a way out of the prison it creates. That realisation led me to
> hacking mostly on functional-oriented servers. I'll try to explain why
> - in case any of those thoughts are useful here too :)
> I like the things you've pointed out, but they seem relatively
> cosmetic. Things like the parser, async, event and portability
> frameworks are really cool - but hardly fundamental. Anyone could use
> those, in any language - it's not a real leap in the field. Similarly,
> SPDY, websockets, COMET and so on are ultra-cool - but are still
> potential bolt-ons to almost any kind of webserver. It sucks that we
> don't do them well, but doing them better won't fundamentally change
> the market or the pressures on adoption.
> Today webservers are almost entirely network I/O bound - disk seek and
> CPU speeds are pretty great these days, way faster than is really
> neccessary. In a properly architected set-up, end-user delay is really
> about the limitations of TCP. You can multiplex and use keepalives as
> much as you want, you'll eventually realise that the size of the world
> and speed of light mean that this inevitably ends up being slow
> without a lot of distributed endpoints.
> But we have some cool secret sauce to help fix that. I think the best
> architectural thing about Apache is buckets and brigades. Using a list
> structure to represent portions of differently-generated content like
> that is great. Imagine how much better wordpress would run if PHP
> represented the php scripts as a some dynamic buckets intermingled
> with some static file io buckets (and even repeated when in loops).
> There'd be a lot less data to copy around.
> Now imagine a backend that could identify the dynamic buckets and, by
> forbidding side effects, parallellise work on them - a bucket as a
> message in message-passing system of co-routines, for example. Imagine
> that in turn feeding into a set of co-routine filters. That's
> fundamentally different - it parallelises content generation, but it's
> really really hard to do in C.
> Then next, imagine a backend that could identify the static buckets
> and re-order them so that they come first - it could understand things
> like XML and Javascript and intelligently front-load your transfer so
> that the content we have ready goes first, while the dynamic stuff is
> being built. It's a real layer-8-aware scheduler and content
> re-compiler. Again it's really really hard to do in C - but imagine
> the benefits of a server layer that really understood how to model and
> re-order content.
> These are the kinds of transform that make a webservers job as optimal
> as it can be. Network data is the most expensive part of any modern
> web application, in terms of both time and money, so the ecosystem
> faces huge economic pressure to make these as optimal as possible over
> time. Things like SPDY are just the first generation.
> It'd be cool if Apache 3.0 could do those things - we have some great
> building blocks and experience - but it feels like a language with
> support for first-order functions and co-routines would be better at
> it.
> Again, I'm just thinking out loud :)

I think its an interesting idea, focusing on a content aware server
architecture;  An example of this is SPDY's ability to push content
for a client -- For example, a client requests /index.html, you can
push /css/main.css to them without waiting for them to request it.

I think as far as the implementation language, you seem to be asking for Go?

Which I really really like, but it seems hard to make extensions/module APIs.

Of course, the other option is to just write it in Node.js....  I mean
most of the web erver is not about the lower bits, its about
configuration and content generation.

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