On 04 Jul 2011, at 11:11 AM, Joe Orton wrote:

mod_ldap - An LDAP shared memory cache
mod_authnz_ldap - A user of the LDAP shared memory cache

The LDAP API exposes way more functionality than mod_ldap exposes,
so while you may have fixed the problem for the special case that is
mod_authnz_ldap, you won't have fixed the problem for any other
module that makes LDAP calls directly.

I don't see how this can be the basis of a veto.  You are stating that
there exists a problem which this change does not fix; but that problem existed in the status quo ante, and it *was not the problem this change
was intended to fix*.

I have already stated the basis for the veto: every single apparent flaw in the apr_ldap code that caused wrowe to remove it from APR is still present in the code that wrowe dumped into httpd. If it's not good enough for APR, it is not good enough for httpd, period. APR-util contains abstraction libraries for LDAP, SQL, dbm, XML, and crypto, and now you want to move one abstraction library to an httpd module? What were you thinking?

The httpd build is broken on virtually every platform, and is still broken more than a month later. That alone is grounds for a veto.

The httpd project will not be held to ransom by a small group of people who break the build in an effort to get others to fix it. This code is vetoed, remove the code immediately.


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