On 25 Jun 2011, at 21:11, Graham Leggett wrote:

> This is not so, to fix this, you would need to wrap every single LDAP API 
> function call[1] in an optional function, and if you did that, you would 
> solve the problem that caused you to want to remove apr_ldap from APR in the 
> first place, making the whole exercise pointless - you may as well just have 
> fixed apr-ldap in place.

In view of the escalation of this argument, I'm trying to review the history 
and see
if I can get to grips with the underlying problem.  It seems this is where your
objection starts, right?  If it matters, I'm trying not to take sides here, and 
I too
find it uncomfortable when Bill gets abrasive in a public list.

But isn't the above a slight misstatement of the issue?  ap_ldap (and apr_ldap 
wraps only a subset of the LDAP API, that subset is what in fact has to be 
wrapped in
optional functions.  I don't see a problem with that: more optional functions 
can be
introduced as and when more APIs are exposed.  And optional functions can exist
alongside regular API functions, as in mod_dbd.h, as and when you or anyone do 

> The timing cannot be worse - an already suboptimal API plus these new bugs 
> are being dumped into httpd in the final stages of trying to bake the final 
> version of httpd v2.4.0, which means we will be stuck with this brokenness 
> through the life of httpd v2.4.

Up to a point.  We're full of compromises, some nicer, some uglier.
But what *new* bugs are you referring to that aren't fixed by optional 
Would it make sense to introduce a mod_dbd-like parallel API, and does it break
anything that would prevent you hacking it within the lifetime of 2.4?

> There is no need for this move at all, as httpd works perfectly against APR 
> v1.x (or did until this change). APR v2.x hasn't gone through any kind of 
> stabilisation phase, never mind seen an alpha or beta release, and so httpd 
> v2.4.x being compatible with apr-trunk at this stage is not necessary, 
> especially seeing that when httpd v2.4 is released, it's API is set in stone, 
> but APR v2.0's API remains in flux. Or to put it another way, the fact that 
> apr_ldap is missing from apr-trunk is not a problem for httpd v2.4, and can 
> be solved after httpd v2.4.

That's a fair point.  If you can convince me there are NEW unsolved bugs,
I may support it.  But I wouldn't agree with excluding APR2 use if these
new bugs are (no more than) what optional functions solve.  Nor do I
think now is the right time to make an issue of defects that are equally
present in ap_ldap and in apr_ldap before.

> I am therefore vetoing this move of apr_ldap from APR to httpd.

Hang on!  How long ago did this move happen, and when did you
first raise concerns?

Nick Kew

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