On Fri, Apr 20, 2018, 10:37 Paul Querna <p...@querna.org> wrote:
> I believe having more minor releases and less major backports to patch
> releases is a good thing.
> I believe we gave the even/odd, 2.1/2.3 "unstable", thing a long run.
> About 15 years of it.
> Since then the wider open source world has gone to a more canonical
> semver.  I think we should generally align with that.
> <https://semver.org/>
> As an outcome, that would mean more major & minor releases, and less
> patch releases.  I think that if we break an existing ABI, we need to
> bump the major.  I think other projects are successfully doing this,
> and it has little effect on how distributions are packaging their
> projects.  Distros pick a point in time, whatever the current
> major.minor.patch is.

According to my math and history here, which begins with binary stability
(and not much feature changes in the period) at 1.3.14, and continuing
throughout all of 2.0/2.2/2.4...

Those would have been counted, using any semver scheme, as 2.0+++, 3.0+++,
4.0+++. Over the span of 18 years.

That would put us at approaching 5.0.0, with discussion of refactoring how
our URI's can successfully handle %CH entities correctly and finally close
a group of (now mitigated but still broken) security issues. Mop up some
other crufty bits in the process. Perhaps achieve 99.9% source
compatibility with judicious use of compatibility macros.

2.0+ major revisions (ABI stable-ish) persisted over 6 years each. That
isn't terribly shabby. Future majors would be even less frequent, as the
framework proves durable.

Pretend we are at 4.x, what would be our minor? I count only 21 releases in
2.4.x and 3 of those were immediate reactions to busted releases. That
corresponds to releasing 4.17.1 in the span of 6 years. (I'm not suggesting
renumbering, obviously... only trying to frame our project in semver terms
to test if this would be helpful or harmful.)

About 3 minor releases per year, and even that was perhaps too infrequent.
The subversion bug-fix releases were certainly too infrequent, we shouldn't
have waited so long on the fixes, but new development, and yes, refactoring
also slow us down a lot.

Thanks for the observations!

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