> I have the feeling that the work that has went into making our
> tests run on travis is not sufficiently honoured in this discussion.
> Looking back on the last 6 years I participated here, the situation
> now is *vastly* improved to what we had before. For me, the Travis CI
> status is now *the* objective status of healthiness of our branches.
> Not because I am a Travis fanboy, but because we had nothing in the
> project before that was available to every team member.
> Speaking as RM, I will *never* make a release on a branch that is
> not "green". That would be unprofessional. As it is not the task
> of an RM to make it green, it already needs to be that way.
> As a developer, I very much prefer to commit to a "green" branch and
> see that it stays green with my changes. On a red branch, this becomes
> harder to analyse. The recent example of the async handshake showed
> that it become more and more difficult to isolate the breaking
> changes and progress for everyone was hindered by this.
> Now, that does not mean Travis CI is the end of all efforts. But
> it is a good start and it is worth expanding on, IMO.
> Also we need to realise that aligning our way of working more to
> what is now common practise in the field actually *lowers* the
> barriers for participation.


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