
All i can tell you is that i have recently created an application that
uses Spring, iBATIS and is jarred up. I have not faced the problems
that you are facing. The only difference is that i used resin instead
of Tomcat. If you feel it is related to classloading strategies then
give resin a try and see if it has the same issue. If it does wind up
being a classloading issue then i'd have to say it is a tomcat issue
rather than an iBATIS issue.

Also, it is not the iBATIS team's responsibility to create the code
and reproduce the issue you are experiencing. It is the reporting
user's responsibility to create repeatable code that can be used to
diagnose the problem. Then you can provide it to us as an issue in
JIRA. At that time it is then our responsibility to assist in
discovering the problem. But, even then, you are encouraged to assist
in the discovery of the problem.


On 6/11/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Clinton, it was only a conjecture that it was using the File object, but my 
follow up emails show
that I peeked into to see what is going on.

But, afaik, all signs at the moment point to a problem in ibatis. When I pull 
the XML files out of
the jar and put them directly into WEB-INF/classes, the XML configs can be 
found. My best guess at
the moment is that it deals with the Classloader that is being passed in.

I'd like someone on the ibatis team to reproduce it. I am using tomcat 5.0.28, 
if it makes a
difference on what platform is used.


--- Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> which means that IBATIS is making a wrong assumption here
> You're assuming iBATIS is making an assumption.  Which it is not. If you're
> using the the iBATIS Resources util, you can confirm the behavior here:
> Cheers,
> Clinton
> On 6/10/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I am using version
> >
> > My web application has a sqlMapConfig.xml file which is the bootstrap
> > config for ibatis. But the
> > actual configuration files which it refers (<sqlMap> elements) are in a
> > jar. Has anyone had this
> > problem?
> >
> > I have verified that exploding the jar into my WEB-INF/classes directory
> > makes the problem go
> > away, which means that IBATIS is making a wrong assumption here. Is it
> > using a File object instead
> > of Class.getResourceAsStream() ?
> >
> > -- Paul
> >
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