HATE COMMENTS?!? Goodin, I'll kick your fat butt! :-D

On 2/13/07, Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I think there is a bit of hostility here.

I don't sense any hostility...just strong opinions.

Agreed, I'll make no more butt-kicking comments...today. Except via
IM. Unless provoked.


>>  If you don't have an internet connection then you are in a sad sad sad state

Except for those who like to work with or on our framework while on an
airplane...or a bus or a train....laptops are great things.
Unfortunately wireless networks are not yet ubiquitous.  Not everyone
works from home.  :-)

That really only applies if they have never built the project (or
other projects that share our dependencies) - if they have, they
already have all the dependencies, and "mvn -o" makes life good again.

>> I believe that self contained build are overrated as well.

Completely disagree.  When I can't build it with one click, I generally toss it.

Dang, you are lazy. ;-)

I agree with Brandon on this - maven is a 1M download, I don't think
it's too much to ask. I guess we could bundle it with iBATIS like we
bundle ant, but IMO, that is messier, because maven is a bit more
involved than ant is.

>> all the unnecessary anger

There's no anger man.  Just constructive debate.  I hope we never
start to sound like those chipmunks on the Bugs Bunny show...."No no
no...you're the wonderful one."  :-)

Group hug? Nah, I still wanna kick Brandon. Doh! I take that back.


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