Hello Nikolay,

please see IEP--37 [1]. Issues are there.

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=130028084

Kind Regards
Roman Kondakov

On 27.09.2019 14:20, Nikolay Izhikov wrote:
Hello, Roman.

Also Apache Calcite is commonly used in popular Apache projects
I don't think it's a good point.
H2 is also commonly used.
But, it doesn't conform to Ignite requirements.

Can you, please, write down issues and engine requirements to the IEP?
So we can discuss each point separately.

В Пт, 27/09/2019 в 13:56 +0300, Roman Kondakov пишет:
Hello Nikolay.

You've asked very good questions. I'll try to answer.

1. What the exact issues with the H2 integration?
Can you send a tickets links?
Can we label all H2 integration issues in JIRA? I propose to use "h2" label.
Current SQL engine is confined in the single-pass map-reduce algorithm.
This make impossible to execute complex queries which can not be
expressed with a single map-reduce pass like subqueries with aggregates
[1].  Another problem is that H2 optimizer is very primitive and not
able to perform many useful optimizations [2].

Also Apache Calcite is commonly used in popular Apache projects like
Hive, Drill, Flink and others [3]. So it's mature and well battle tested
framework, while H2 is a toy database which is hardly ever used in the
real production systems.

2. What are the requirements for the new SQL engine?
We should write it down and discuss.
The main requirement is to fix the problems listed above. The new SQL
engine should be able to *effectively* execute SQL queries of the
*arbitrary complexity*. For example the new engine will be able to
perform distributed joins in a multiple ways [4], when current engine
can do it only in two ways: collocated and distributed (the latter is
usually not very efficient and needed to set manually).

3. What options do we have?
Are there any alternatives to Calcite on the market?
We did the wrong choice that looked obvious one time.
So we should carefully avoid it at this time.
I know the only one open source implementation of the efficient query
optimization strategy - and this is Apache Calcite. The alternative way
is to write our own query optimizer from scratch which is not a trivial
task at all.

4. What is improvements of Ignite we want to make with the new engine?
Ignite will be able to execute complex queries using optimal strategy. I
think this is a quite good improvement.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-11448
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-6085
[3] https://calcite.apache.org/docs/powered_by.html
[4] https://www.memsql.com/blog/scaling-distributed-joins/

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