
I agree with Nikolay, the idea of replacing the H2 engine with the
most suitable one is reasonable. But since such change is major we
should have a strong argumentation on it even for members with are
working outside the SQL-team.

I think it is really necessary to have:

1. The list of issues related to the current engine (H2) which from
different points of view and for different developers must seem
unsolvable. For example, `... the H2 execution plan is hard-wired with
H2 internals and can't be easily transformed` seems doesn't have a
strong technical argumentation.
After this step, we should have a clear understanding that the engine
change is required.

2. Why only the Apache Calcite? It seems to me we should have a table
with a comparison of different engines with the pros and cons of each
other. A brief search shows me that we may have a few options here.
After this step, we should have a clear understanding of why we choose
this dependency prior to another.

3. We should also have a migration decomposition and step by step
actions to do. I haven't found such a decomposition on IEP-37 page. Do
we have one? What the implementation phases will be? What components
will be changed? What a new API would be and would it be? What
problems we are expecting e.g performance degradation on prototype
implementation? `Risks and Assumptions` topic doesn't seem to be a
good described.
After this step, we should have a clear and obvious a new feature
implementation plan.

Let's have a strong technical discussion.

On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 15:17, Nikolay Izhikov <> wrote:
> Hello, Roman.
> All I see is links to two tickets:
> IGNITE-11448 - Open
> IGNITE-6085 - Closed
> Other issues described poorly and have not ticket links.
> We can't discuss such a huge change as an execution engine replacement with 
> descrition like:
> "No data co-location control, i.e. arbitrary data can be returned silently" or
> "Low control on how query executes internally, as a result we have limited 
> possibility to implement improvements/fixes."
> I think we need some reproducer that shows issue.
> Tech details also should be added.
> Let's make these descriptions more specific.
> Let's discuss how we want to fix them with the new engine.
> В Пт, 27/09/2019 в 15:10 +0300, Roman Kondakov пишет:
> > Hello Nikolay,
> >
> > please see IEP--37 [1]. Issues are there.
> >
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> >

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