On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thinking about this more generally, it would definitely be useful to
> be able to use a more efficient underlying storage for unorderable
> nodes. However, there still are hard use cases that require us to
> support orderable nodes as indicated by the type of the parent node.
> Thus the implementation basically has two options:
> 1) Use a single data structure for all nodes, like Jackrabbit
> currently does. This simplifies the implementation but prevents us
> from enjoying the performance and scalability benefits of unorderable
> nodes.
> 2) Use two data structures, one for orderable and another for
> unorderable nodes. This is more complex (not least because it links
> node types to the underlying storage model), but is probably required
> if we want to efficiently support up to millions of child nodes per a
> single parent.

i agree that it's probably required for efficiently handling both large
and small child node lists.

i am not sure that it necessarily means linking node types to the
underlying storage modal. the microkernel prototype currently has
no notion of node types and that's IMO a good thing.

node types have a way to dominant role in the current jackrabbit
core implementation. jackrabbit started out as the official reference
implementation for jsr-170, the focus was on supporting every
feature of the spec.

in jr3 i guess we can and should trade some 'note type correctness'
for improved efficiency.

> It might also be possible to have the underlying storage model
> unorderable, and just include extra ordering metadata at a higher
> layer where also node types are handled. Option 2b, if you like, with
> probably fairly significant overhead when iterating over nodes (the
> implementation would probably need to pre-fetch all child nodes in
> advance to access their ordering metadata).
> If we do have native support for unorderable nodes, then I wouldn't
> promise any particular ordering (alphabetic, insertion order, etc.)
> but rather leave it undefined like in Java's Map interface. The
> underlying implementation is then free to use whatever ordering it
> thinks is best.

i agree.


> PS. Note that ordering affects not just node traversal, but also the
> document ordering used in search results. Though in practice we
> already now disable document ordering of search results by default.
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting

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