On 9/2/05, Yury Tarasievich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1 September 2005 23:36, Ain Vagula wrote:
> > On 9/1/05, Ivo Hinkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi Jonathon,
> > >
> > > Jonathon Blake wrote:
> > > > iv) String context.   The English word can be translated two or more
> > > > ways in the target language.  [OOo 1.0.0 through 1.1.4 French has some
> > > >  interesting examples of the English being incorrectly translated.]
> > >
> > > This is a common problem in string based translation, any suggestion how
> > > to solve this ?
> >
> > We had a talk with David about this some time ago, I believe he is
> > working on it. Of course, we could make corrections by hand but this
> > breaks version management inside translation team. We could make all
> > strings unique, but this makes translation files huge... I dont wanna
> > see 500 times in one file strings 'Syntax' and 'Example' :)
> I come to think that this "accreting of similars" may be of more harm than
> help.
> The absolute overhead is about 4K strings in interface proper. There are 25K
> strings total (helpcontent not included) and "accreted" POTs Pavel publishes
> stand at 21K.
> Straightforwardly, 4K strings is (by my extrapolation) about 8 man-hours of
> translating work. If it can be organized to flow uninterrupted, of course.
> And uninterrupted flow suggests context ready at hand. Not searching in
> helpcontent, not hunting in program sources. (When doing my own translation,
> I had to resort to all of this, sometimes even to look into German
> counterparts of English terms :)

Yes, I know, I'm moving myself too to CVS version of translate-tools,
but for 2.0 it is too late. These repeating strings are fortunately
short, but they need much attention.
I created separate tree today, with unique kde-style id-s for
repeating strings, in old tree I have 57620 strings, 12388
untranslated, in new tree 68760 vs. 26440, was some thousands more, I
have done some work too. Feels like some weeks hard work.

Ain Vagula

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