El dg 18 de 12 del 2005 a les 22:55 +0100, en/na Tímár András va
> In Hungarian the article of the %PRODUCTNAME should be different when
> the product is OpenOffice.org and when it is StarOffice.
> "A Staroffice" vs. "Az OpenOffice.org"
> This means that there is a conflict between the StarOffice translation
> and the community OpenOffice.org translation.
> The problem is discussed in the following issue:
> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=56622
> I need your feedback in regards of:
> 1. Is there any other language that has the same problem?
> 2. Is there any language that needs %POSTPRODUCTARTICLE proposed in the
> issue?
> 3. Any other relevant comments are welcome.

Catalan/Valencian has the same problem, in some cases.

What we do is just ignore the StarOffice case, as we are only targetting

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