Clytie Siddall wrote:

> On 21/12/2006, at 8:22 AM, Ain Vagula wrote (in part):
>> I'm against Pootle as storage and against all about OLT at this
>> point of
>> time. We have translators, who used gettext based tools (also open
>> btw) for
>> a years and who also participate in many other projects (KDE,
>> Gnome, GNU
>> applications, various distributions like SUSE, Mandriva - and reuse
>> also
>> translation compendiums across all this software).
>> Makes it sense to force them to use two different interfaces?
> Ain, Pootle provides PO format files. It will convert [1] translation
> files into your favourite format, using its own Translate Toolkit and
> po4a.

I know.

> We translated 2.1 in PO format. The resulting files
> were then converted by Pootle into the GSI file suitable for
> submission. Pootle also runs the msgfmt tests, plus the
> tests.

I use po format too.

> So it actually makes it easier for translators from other free-
> software projects to participate in, if they use
> Pootle. :)

Pootle is too slow and too limited for translator with some experience.
Of course, everyone can use what he/she wants but ... as you say it is only
one tool among others.
How can I in Pootle:
- search and/or replace quickly over all oo.o tree some hundreds of strings
- copy msgid into msgstr with one keypress
- scroll quickly up and down or to next untranslated/fuzzy, having in same
time a significant part of other strings visible?
- have an email notification with diff of every submission
- limit access of users who are very active but cannot write 4 words without
doing 6 hard grammatical errors? ;)
- etc.

Otherways, pootle too can be connected to cvs/svn repo, but I want to see at
first a level 1 solution which gives us workflow, similar to other OSS
projects with:
- version control system
- membership managed by project lead(s)
- notifications to mailing list for first checking and feedback purpose
Some of us have these at moment using oo.o webspace. What we not have, is
central input/output/overview, which should be also solved in much lower
level than pootle is.


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