On 18 févr. 08, at 18:48, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

Let me confirm.  I understand the new/fuzzy is identified on OmegaT,
but once the translator did the translation and put the translated
string to the "untranslated" segment, how the reviewer can
recognize which one is the strings to review ?


PO is not exactly the strong point of OmegaT :)

I'll check tonight with a PO from Pootle and will get back to you later. Maybe on the ja list ?


I have just tried OmegaT with Localization.po from javainstaller2.

The file is translated at 97% and contains only 2 fuzzies to check.

The conclusion is that OmegaT is useless for files that mostly contain translated and fuzzy strings. Ideally, a source file should not contain such strings and all the reference should be stored in a TMX. The fuzzies should be left empty for normal translation.

If you work with a file that is mostly untranslated and where the reference parts are clearly separated from the source, it is trivial to set OmegaT to insert the TM reference with a prefix to distinguish it from the Translator's input.

Just set OmegaT to automatically insert 100% matches with a [TM] prefix, or anything you want. The translator will still be in control of the process and will be able to do modifications to the input if necessary.

When the reviewer checks the file, only the parts that are not marked with [TM] will have to be checked.

I understand that this is not an ideal workflow though...

Jean-Christophe Helary


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