As long as all of us agree, and try to use the same system, I think we'll be 

I think there's a reasonable consensus on the following understanding of 
"fixVersion/s", and "Affected Versions"
- fixVersion: All branches that the code was committed. Example, assuming that 
the last released version was x.y.z:
  - If the code was committed to master: master (x + 1.0)
  - If the code was committed to the current stable branch (branch_ax), x.y + 1
  - If the code was committed to a release branch  - the next release version 
from that branch. There would be one entry for each of the release branches 
that this fix is committed to.
- Affected Versions: All affected git tags (released versions of Lucene/Solr).

If there are no objections by tomorrow morning (24 hours), I'll change the wiki 
page to reflect this, and it would be great if we could all just follow this 


> On Jul 6, 2017, at 2:40 AM, Dawid Weiss <> wrote:
>> But for new features, it is different. The CHANGES entry is only added to
>> the first version the feature was introduced (e.g. 7.0.0), even if the
>> feature is committed to master, branch_7x, branch_7_0. In my head it would
>> make sense to tag it as Fix-Version=7.0.0 and not also 7.1 and 8.0.
> I don't think it's that much different, really.
> If you introduce a feature on branch_7x and apply it to master then
> it's both on branch_7x and master. Let's say somebody then cuts out
> branch_8x from master and creates a release of version 8.0. Then that
> somebody should tag patches on current master with branch_8x and 8.0
> (assuming he's immediately going for the release). And then you'd see
> this on your feature issue's fix-for:
> branch_7x, branch_8x, 8.0, master
> and since branch_7x hasn't been released yet, the feature would be
> introduced in version 8.0, not any tagged version on 7x (because they
> haven't been released yet). You could either rollback that feature
> from branch_7x (and remove the tag), or keep it and release that
> feature from both branches (next version of 7x). Or never release
> branch_7x at all, but keep the patch there anyway.
> Sure, this is a bit abnormal to have the same new "feature" on two
> different branches, but you can apply the same thinking to bugfix
> versions as well (features or any kind of patch). This is something
> Hoss mentioned -- when you're doing multiple parallel releases of
> versions from different branches it becomes a headache quickly to
> figure out which version carries a certain patch (whether it's a bug,
> feature or whatever else). But in reality it is often the case (in my
> personal experience) that multiple versions do carry the same set of
> patches, be it bug fixes, refactorings or even new features and those
> tags in jira help to figure out where a given patch exists.
> Dawid
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