> But for new features, it is different. The CHANGES entry is only added to
> the first version the feature was introduced (e.g. 7.0.0), even if the
> feature is committed to master, branch_7x, branch_7_0. In my head it would
> make sense to tag it as Fix-Version=7.0.0 and not also 7.1 and 8.0.

I don't think it's that much different, really.

If you introduce a feature on branch_7x and apply it to master then
it's both on branch_7x and master. Let's say somebody then cuts out
branch_8x from master and creates a release of version 8.0. Then that
somebody should tag patches on current master with branch_8x and 8.0
(assuming he's immediately going for the release). And then you'd see
this on your feature issue's fix-for:

branch_7x, branch_8x, 8.0, master

and since branch_7x hasn't been released yet, the feature would be
introduced in version 8.0, not any tagged version on 7x (because they
haven't been released yet). You could either rollback that feature
from branch_7x (and remove the tag), or keep it and release that
feature from both branches (next version of 7x). Or never release
branch_7x at all, but keep the patch there anyway.

Sure, this is a bit abnormal to have the same new "feature" on two
different branches, but you can apply the same thinking to bugfix
versions as well (features or any kind of patch). This is something
Hoss mentioned -- when you're doing multiple parallel releases of
versions from different branches it becomes a headache quickly to
figure out which version carries a certain patch (whether it's a bug,
feature or whatever else). But in reality it is often the case (in my
personal experience) that multiple versions do carry the same set of
patches, be it bug fixes, refactorings or even new features and those
tags in jira help to figure out where a given patch exists.


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