I’ve put this on a wiki page, and did that as a ‘trivial change’, which 
shouldn’t have triggered any emails to anyone other than Steve (sorry about 
that). I’m not sure how to have that as a permanent setting for this page 


Here’s the page: https://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/SettingFixVersions


> On Jul 5, 2017, at 3:10 PM, David Smiley <david.w.smi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This makes sense to me.  It's easy to forget this stuff though.  Perhaps we 
> can propose a policy, vote on it, and post it somewhere?  We could even do 
> this in the Wiki (MoinMoin) -- so create a page, put "Draft/Proposal" 
> prominently at the top, and then share a link.  Keep it particularly succinct 
> so it's easy to see what the essence is, and then only potentially later 
> decorate with tips & whatever else.  It'd be nice but not required to have 
> changes to this page (and some selected others) be auto-copied to the dev 
> list somehow, e.g. by having a special account, but not required.
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 5:56 PM Anshum Gupta <ansh...@apple.com 
> <mailto:ansh...@apple.com>> wrote:
> @Dawid: I remember that discussion, and I think things were fixed for the 
> issue back then.
> My concern right now is that we will end up in a similar situation again with 
> everyone interpreting the fixVersion differently.
> @Erick
> Here’s my issue with that approach. Say I commit something that would be 
> released with 7.0 but obviously, I also commit to master at this point. Going 
> with your approach here are the fix versions I’ll end up with on the JIRA - 
> master (8.0), 7.1, and 7.0. 
> This confuses me, as anything that has a 7.0 fix version shouldn’t have 
> anything else from the 7x line. Also, it shouldn’t have anything from a line 
> greater than that i.e. master (8.0) as it is obvious to me that there can not 
> be any fix that makes it’s way into 7.0 but not 7.1, or 8.0.
> Also, from my understanding, a fix version of 7.1 would mean that the first 
> time this was released on the 7x line was 7.1 (which wouldn’t be the case 
> here).
> Yes, things would work differently for bug fix releases, but I’m talking 
> about the major release version here.
> Here’s my suggestion:
> - For a fix that will be released with a major version, just mention the 
> major version
> - For a minor version
>       - master (current version + 1)
>       - minor version release that would have this fix
>       - all prior bug fix releases, when this is back-ported to older branches
> - Bug fix release
>       - The only case when a fix is released with such a release, is when 
>               - The issue was introduced by a minor version release right 
> before this release AND
>               - There was no other minor/major release since this issue was 
> introduced.
>       - In such a case, the fix version should only have the bug fix version, 
> and not master, etc.
> What would also be useful here is specifying the ‘Affects Version’ but in my 
> experience, this gets tough to figure at times for bug fixes, and doesn’t 
> generally make sense for new features/enhancements.
> If there’s anything else, I’d be happy to just go with whatever everyone 
> wants to follow as long as it makes things easier to understand and manage. 
> -Anshum
>> On Jul 5, 2017, at 2:13 PM, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:erickerick...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I'm just including a fix version for each push I make. I.e.
>> If I push to master I'll add "master (8.0)".
>> If I push to 7x, at this point I'll add 7.1
>> If I push to 7_0 I'll add 7.0
>> If I push to 6x I'll add 6.7
>> If for some reason I wanted to push it to branch_6_6 I'd add 6.6.1
>> I think one push == one label is unambiguous. You do have to realize
>> that if there may never be, say, a 6.6.1 in my example. But we do
>> remove the onus of people having to figure out what a fix version of
>> plain "master" or "7x" means.
>> Erick
>> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Dawid Weiss <dawid.we...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:dawid.we...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> There's been a fairly recent discussion about it on the mailing list
>>> (David Smiley and were involved in that discussion, among other
>>> people). There are many different takes on how to handle fix-for and
>>> branches. I don't think we can find the "best" strategy, although
>>> perhaps we can agree on something project-specific. I've expressed my
>>> opinion on that previous post, but I'm open to any strategy.
>>> Dawid
>>> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Anshum Gupta <ansh...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:ansh...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was a bit confused in terms of setting the ‘fix version’ for JIRAs that
>>>> are being committed right now. I think it makes sense for the fixVersion to
>>>> just be 7.0, and nothing else for everything that is going into branch_7_0,
>>>> instead of being both 7.0, and master (8.0).
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> -Anshum
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> Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
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