Thanks for the insight hoss :). I agree that I went into this with my 

>  A user who sees that a bug is fixed in "6.6.1" has no way to be 
> confident that the same bug is fixed in "7.0" just because the major 
> number is greater -- because we might releast 6.6.1 after 7.0 is released.  

The only way to confidently look at the information on the JIRA and comment on 
what versions have a particular feature/bug/fix is through a combination of 
“Affected Versions” and “fixVersions”. As David mentioned, there isn’t a single 
true ‘solution’ for this problem so the more information we provide the better.

In what I am proposing, I am certainly resting the responsibility of providing 
all of that information ‘correctly’ to the users on the committer/developer. 
So, missing a commit, and/or fixVersion certainly does mess things up. Also, 
the non-linear releases that we have make it confusing for anyone who isn’t 
aware of the order of releases.

I just wanted to highlight what I thought was missing information and I’d be 
happy to have an entry-per-commit as long as we think that’s the most 
reasonable available option. 

I am also not sure how adding “Affected Version” would completely help with 
mitigating problems like - ‘x’ was fixed in 7.2.0, 7.1.1, 7.0.2, and 6.6.3, but 
"affects versions” 7.1.0, 7.0.1, 6.6.2, and 6.5”.

If it was a known issue in 6.4,6.3, etc. it would 1. require the developer to 
figure out, and provide that information, and 2. Enlist all of those versions, 
which might get a little too much.

I don’t want to spiral this discussion and spin it off into a never ending one 
so whatever we all agree with, I’ll be more than happy to move ahead with it.


> On Jul 5, 2017, at 6:42 PM, Chris Hostetter <> wrote:
> : Here’s my issue with that approach. Say I commit something that would be 
> : released with 7.0 but obviously, I also commit to master at this point. 
> : Going with your approach here are the fix versions I’ll end up with on 
> : the JIRA - master (8.0), 7.1, and 7.0.
> : 
> : This confuses me, as anything that has a 7.0 fix version shouldn’t have 
> : anything else from the 7x line. Also, it shouldn’t have anything from a 
> : line greater than that i.e. master (8.0) as it is obvious to me that 
> : there can not be any fix that makes it’s way into 7.0 but not 7.1, or 
> : 8.0.
> The problem(s) with your "obvious" assertion are:
> 1) just because it's "obvious" to you doesn't mean it's obvious to 
> everyone.  A user who sees that a bug is fixed in "6.6.1" has no way to be 
> confident that the same bug is fixed in "7.0" just because the major 
> number is greater -- because we might releast 6.6.1 after 7.0 is released.  
> To you and I it's obvious that's a diff situation from your "8.0 vs 7.1 vs 
> 7.0" example -- but only because we know how the branches are used and 
> forked off of eachother.  If you tell a user "any bug fiexed in 7.0.0 is 
> by definition also fixed in 7.1.0" it is understandable for them to 
> extrapolate that "any bug fixed in 7.0.1 is also fixed in 7.1.0"
> 2) It is in fact very possible for human error to result in a bug fix 
> making it's way into 7.0.0, but not into 7.1.0 when (as they are today, 
> post branch_7_0 creation) 2 distinct commits/merges are needed to 2 
> distinct branches.  a philosophy of "each branch changed == a fixVersion 
> added" helps developers sanity check their own actions vs their 
> expectations, and gives people watching jiras enough info to sanity 
> check a committers actions even if they don't understand the specifics of 
> the affected code...
> If you commit a bug fix to your local branch_7x and branch_7_0, but 
> something goes wrong with your push to branch_7x (perhaps a conflict 
> because someone else has added a feature to that branch since your last 
> merge/rebase) and you don't notice, people watching the issue who see a 
> single commit to branch_7_0 and you setting the fixVersion=7.0 might 
> easily assume the "bug" only affects the 7.0 release line, and doesn't 
> exist in branch_7x due to other changes.  If you explicitly set 
> fixVersion="7.0, 7.(x|1)" but there is only 1 commit to branch_7_0 for 
> that jira, then hopefully that raises eyebrows from other people who can 
> ask you about it and help you catch your mistake.
> -Hoss
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