> separate repo can be used to test against many Solr versions. Imagine a 
> component that works across Solr versions 6x through 9x from day one. I can't 
> imagine such a component being part of the lucene-solr repo itself.

It'll be great to test contrib's on multiple Solr versions, but I
can't see any blockers for this that are same-repo specific.  Can you
elaborate on what makes this tricky in a same-repo setup?  AFAICT you
can set up multiple gradle test tasks that rely on different
solr-test-framework versions and run tests that way - regardless of
where the code lives.   (Or alternatively, docker images for various
Solr versions as David suggested.)

I think Jan's got a good point about how do-able it'll be in practice
to have plugins support multiple major release versions.  That said
though, a lot of these questions (docker tests vs otherwise, cross
major-version plugins?) will likely sort themselves out when it comes
time to implement.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 12:21 AM David Smiley <dsmi...@apache.org> wrote:
> I think embracing Docker is how we can identify if a plugin works in multiple 
> versions of Solr.  The setup of such a test would start Solr via Docker and 
> install the plugin into a Solr server using the package manager.  The test 
> code itself would interact with Solr purely via SolrClient.  This would be an 
> integration / smoke level test for the plugin.  I test my plugins at work 
> similar to this way at a "smoke" level, which follows "integration".  What's 
> cool is that we can take the very same test and either have it run via an 
> embedded Solr (which we call an integration test) or a remote'ed Solr (run 
> via Docker, which we call our "smoke" test).  Naturally, if a test makes 
> assumptions that only work in embedded, then it won't run in smoke mode, so 
> we have annotations to categorize the tests.  I'd like to work on some JUnit 
> "Rule" for Solr, similar to what I have at work (and have done in the past) 
> -- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-11872
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 9:17 AM Ishan Chattopadhyaya 
> <ichattopadhy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hoss,
>> One important reason why separate repo for solr-extras is a good idea, as 
>> opposed to conrib modules, is that separate repo can be used to test against 
>> many Solr versions. Imagine a component that works across Solr versions 6x 
>> through 9x from day one. I can't imagine such a component being part of the 
>> lucene-solr repo itself.
>> Also, today, contrib modules are shipped with Solr, which we don't want for 
>> new things we might want to build.
>> On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 4:25 PM Ishan Chattopadhyaya 
>> <ichattopadhy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I haven't been able to follow up on creation of the extras repo, but more 
>>> importantly I wanted to respond to Hoss. I'm out on an emergency for a week 
>>> or so, shall resume then. If there's a decision on this until then, I shall 
>>> accept it.
>>> On Mon, 25 Jan, 2021, 9:04 am Jason Gerlowski, <gerlowsk...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Tentative +1 to Hoss' questions.  I agree with his summary of the
>>>> potential risks here, and I share his ignorance of the perceived
>>>> benefits.
>>>> (I thought for a time that this was driven by interest in having
>>>> release cadences independent from Solr-core releases.  I'm all for
>>>> that goal, but if that's the motivation I'm not sure what the obstacle
>>>> is to doing that with a single repo - all build systems these days
>>>> support versioning and releasing modules independent of one another.
>>>> But maybe that was never a driving factor here.)
>>>> I know there have been a lot of discussions about this, and I know the
>>>> repo has already been created.  So maybe it's too late to object even
>>>> if I wanted to, which I'm not sure I do.  But can someone that
>>>> understands the motivation please summarize what multiple-repos gets
>>>> us over a single repo that outweighs the "cons" that Hoss mentioned?
>>>> Jason
>>>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 12:34 PM Chris Hostetter
>>>> <hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > : As we discussed over the last few months, there seems a need to move
>>>> > : non-core pieces away from the Solr core module. The contribs are 
>>>> > presently
>>>> > : a good place, but it makes sense to have a separate git repository 
>>>> > hosting
>>>> > : such modules. Some candidates that come to mind are the present day 
>>>> > contrib
>>>> >
>>>> > can you explain why it makes sense to have a separate git repo for these
>>>> > things?
>>>> >
>>>> > I can think of lots of reasons why it makes sense to have a single
>>>> > repo for all things solr (unified CI that quickly identifies if core
>>>> > changes break "first order" plugins, shared feature branches & monotomic
>>>> > commits of code that affects APIs and impls of those APIs, etc...) but
>>>> > I've yet to see any concrete specifics of why multiple git repos are
>>>> > "better" then just having distinct sub-projects (with distinct artifacts)
>>>> > in the same repo other then "it makes sense"
>>>> >
>>>> > why does it make sense?
>>>> >
>>>> > why can't the ideas of "solr-sandbox" and "solr-extras" just be
>>>> > directories in the "solr repo" ? ... what value is gained by making them
>>>> > new repos?
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > -Hoss
>>>> > http://www.lucidworks.com/
>>>> >
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