> Yet I feel certain I have been able to run all tests in IJ before.
> I don't think this was ever the case with intellij. Or maybe you ran those
> tests via gradle?

When I say "run in IJ" I mean I right clicked a button somewhere and said
"run all tests" :) I expect it was with the gradle runner selected.

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 6:38 AM Dawid Weiss <dawid.we...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yet I feel certain I have been able to run all tests in IJ before.
> I don't think this was ever the case with intellij. Or maybe you ran those
> tests via gradle?
>> There are a few oddities that happen in intellij that require you to
>> fiddle with the build in odd ways, but I wonder if these will be
>> reproducible or if they maybe happen because there is some bad state:
> Intellij changes from version to version so there is no "one" version,
> unfortunately. Also, sometimes
> some of the settings intellij sets up on the initial import persist and
> 'reloading' the gradle plugin does not
> help to update them. An occasional import from scratch is a good way to
> check if something like this happens.
> 1. Building branch_9x with intellij builder selected in the gradle
>> settings failed to build the benchmark module due to some modules not
>> being visible to it (e.g. icu). So I "unload module benchmark"
>> effectively skipping building that, and then I am able to build the
>> rest of lucene. YMMV
> I can't reproduce this on main, haven't tried 9x.
>> 2. After switching back to main branch, I got a build failure  "error:
>> Annotation generator had thrown the exception.
>> javax.annotation.processing.FilerException: Attempt to recreate a file
>> for type
>> org.apache.lucene.benchmark.jmh.jmh_generated.ExpressionsBenchmark_expression_jmhTest".
>> I see there are some generated classes in
>> lucene/benchmark_jmh/src/java/generated, that show up in git status,
>> so I remove that folder and then everything is fine - some cruft left
>> from a previous build?
> This is intellij's compiler emitting annotation processor output (jmh) to
> an incorrect location.
> It's javac's '-s' option. Not sure how to configure this option so that
> intellij picks it up from the gradle build model.
>> Side note: when running all tests in "intellij" mode you cannot do it
>> by selecting the "core" module - you have to navigate down to the
>> "tests" folder.
> Correct, This is the classpath-container unit which contains tests.
>> Also I observed that when running tests in "gradle"
>> mode I no longer observed the slow startup times? Really unsure what
>> that means. Maybe some networking thing?
> Or the daemon starting for the first time - this is relatively expensive.
> Once the daemon is up, launch times should
> be faster.
>> But the main thing I learned is that while running tests using
>> intellij builder mostly works, MemorySegmentIndexInputProvider fails
>> to get loaded and any test using MMapDirectory will fail, regardless
>> of whether I run a single test or a whole suite. This is true on both
>> 9x and main branches and causes 1/3-1/2 of tests to fail in core.
> This class is in src/java21 - it's not picked up as a source folder by
> intellij. And if you add it manually, you'll get errors related to
> compilation because of the way the gradle build "cheats" javac and bypasses
> explicitly importing
> jdk.incubator.vector and not declaring --enable-preview...
> In short: yes, it'll be difficult to work around that, especially with an
> automatic project import in intellij (perhaps you could hand-craft
> configuration files so that it works, I'm not sure).
>> At this point I'm reluctant to recommend using the intellij build
>> mode. Maybe it will become viable again if we can figure out how to
>> get MMapDirectory tests to work with it?
> I use it because it's much faster. Whenever I need something  more
> complex, I set up a dedicated gradle launch configuration for that - like
> so:
> [image: image.png]
> I'm neither gradle nor intellij expert though, it's mostly a
> trial-and-error of what works and what doesn't...
> D.

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