Adam Moore wrote:
To reply to the overall thread.

Is what he's saying on his own personal website actually up to us? He is in
his right to say whatever he wants.

That said, if the layout is in a license that doesn't allow other people to
use it then we should ask that it be removed as the site does not solely
promote the benefits of the project.

I agree. As far as the content here goes, I think this is rather a silly argument to be having. There is nothing offensive in the Mac portion, although it would be good to include the information that Neo is in alpha stage. It's very clear that he's saying his own personal opinion is that the NeoOffice version is better and easier to install/use than the "official" port. That's certainly a valid view to express. And he's also right when he says it was listed as a port until extremely recently, and the NeoOffice page actually says "it is a free software port of to the MacOS X platform."

To be honest, I think a lot of this is animosity simply because it's Chad, who in the past has engaged in rather over-the-top commentary and rhetoric. I understand the hostility. (Hell, I had him on my "ignore" list for quite a while.) But we need to get above the personalities and look at this objectively. I don't see anything content-wise to really gripe about.

Chad, your content is your content and you can say whatever you want despite how upset Eric tends to get when people even breath the word neooffice. But I hope you can understand the confusion that's involved when you use a site that looks like, but doesn't solely promote it and actually promotes other vendors. In any case I would change the look of your site, because the site you copied is not the best looking one. I am sure
you can certainly do better.

Also agreed. The big problem here is that the site originally looked too similar to the main OOo site. That could lead a reasonable person to confuse that site with an official site, disclaimer notwithstanding. The "make a donation" button creates a huge problem, and you could be looking at some significant legal liability on this, Chad. The button has no clear explanation as to where donations go. From the look/feel/content of the site, I would *think* that these donations go to the project, but the PayPal page seems to indicate that they are going to you. You can see how this creates a huge potential for fraud and/or claims of fraud.

You don't really need to change the content, in my opinion. Just change the look (maybe just changing the colours would be enough) and for your own sake, do something about that "Make a Donation" button because you could get yourself into some huge, huge problems with that thing and I don't want to see your emails with an "" domain in them.

Steven Shelton
Twilight Media & Design
Dolphins are so intelligent that within a few weeks they can train
Americans to stand at the edge of the pool and throw them fish.

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