On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:12:27 -0500, Graham Lauder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Welcome back to everybody after what looked like a very successful conference.

I'd like to return focus to the Marketing campaign proposals

Was anything discussed at the conference, with regard to the campaign, that
those of us who couldn't attend should know about.

Is there a conference page somewhere where there are minutes of the meetings


At least at the MarCon level there were success stories and failure ones from the Vendors such as Dell. There were other topics about 'how to market to web 2.0' in which is a whole lifestyle from the design to the funny logos to the viral nature of the imeplementations.

Things like the OOo facebook group, more Youtube Videos and more presence on things like stumble upon, digg, youtube, slideshare, mugshot and so on.

Also the need of more non profit entities in countries so that openoffice.org scale to large deployments. basically we are finding that OOo vendors hav e a hard time justifiying the product and the brand.

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of OpenOffice.org ES

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