On 10 October 2016 at 09:40, Stephen Connolly <
stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-5971
> I would argue that the behaviour change in MNG-5971 should not be
> introduced at the same time as a refactoring to move to the new "code
> formerly known as Eclipse Aether but now at Apache under a different name"
> codebase.
> So, in short, I think of the 10 issues, only one "potentially" qualifies
> as perhaps maybe requiring a modelVersion bump, and I would not want that
> included with the other changes for 3.4.x anyway
Reading carefully through this issue I am inclined to lean towards
Stéphane's opinion that it is more of a bug fix than an RFE that has been
reported. That does not mean that the suggested implementation of the fix
is a bug fix or an RFE.

The real root problem here is that import scope was introduced without a
clear specification and there is no clear documentation on how exactly
import scope should work.

We have the principle that anything I declare in my pom wins.
After my pom, the next priority is my parent pom, followed by grandparent,
Only after that do we start looking at things defined in dependencies which
will win over anything defined in dependencyManagement...
Finally when resolving conflicts in dependency trees, only at that point do
we start getting complex and consider the tree depth... which closest
winning and finally pom order being used to resolve the case where tree
depth is equal (this last one is IMHO a mistake... rather we should fail
the build if pom order is the only way to resolve a conflict as pom order
is magic to most people... at least for inheritance purposes)

ASIDE: why is pom order unclear? Well if I have a <dependencies> in my
parent and  <dependencies> in my pom, which entries come first... parent's
or child's? if the parent's then the parent wins and that breaks things...
if the child's then that is counter-intuitive for most people... never mind
that this important decision is not documented anywhere... oh and
help:effective-pom shows that the parent entries come first... which is at
odds with the child being able to override the parent... so if the child
needs to change the "pom-order" of dependencies inherited from its
parent... sorry out of luck

So what would I expect from scope=import... I would expect it to be an
in-place substitution of the <dependencyManagement> from the imported pom
(modulo duplicate removal)

In the situation of a lack of specification, fixing the behaviour to work
that way would be a bug fix... a bug fix with big consequences... but still
a bug fix within the scope of what we have called modelVersion 4.0.0
(because we added import scope without a clear specification)... it is not
furthering the mistake of adding import scope, rather it is clarifying the
(non-existing) specification of import scope.

I would not make such a change in 3.4.x though as it would conflate other
important changes that we need people to feel safe adopting so that we can
start to move forward again.

But that is my opinion... and I reserve the right to disagree with my own
opinion and to change my mind mid-sentence... especially in the light of a
better line of argument... just not seen one yet ;-)

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