Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/05/2004 12:17:13 PM:

[snip good stuff]

> No, if you actually looked at code you'll see it's not. There are tests
> for the 4 varieties and even the fourth variety only requires a 3k dep
> which does not really have anything to do with Maven2. They are
> interfaces which are the minimum needed for a POJO to interact with a
> client system. The integrated form is essentially:
> execute( request, response )

I must be seeing things then.

I had looked at the code already. 
CleanPlugin extends AbstractPlugin, and doesn't wrap a POJO from what I 
can tell. It does all the deleting itself.
CompilerPlugin extends AbstractPlugin is close to a wrapper but it does 
checks that I would expect the POJO to do, like checking the source 
directory exists.
JarPlugin is a POJO
ResourcesPlugin is a POJO
SCMPlugin is a POJO
SurefirePlugin is a POJO
XdocPlugin is implements the Plugin interface and does things I'd expect 
the POJO to do, e.g. copy images, stylesheets and add items to the Nav 

So 4 out of 7 look ok. If Maven2 is supposed to fix the issues that 
cropped up in Maven1, we really need to do it right from the outset.

> That's exactly what I'm doing. If you look at the plugins in m2 only one
> of references maven-core only because I haven't bothered to fix it. But
> how they work is that Maven extracts the parameters required to execute
> the plugin by using OGNL pull the values out of the POM. No binding to
> Maven2. Save but one of the m2 plugins could be integrate into anything
> without requiring plexus or maven.

Maybe they could be run without plexus or maven, but they're not really 
reusable without the plugin setup code in a couple of cases. We should 
draw the line.

> What you are thinking of as most sensible is in fact exactly what I'm
> doing.

In part, yes. I still think the line's been crossed in a few cases.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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