On Tuesday 23 November 2004 07:23, Maczka Michal wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----

> I forgot to add that it would be possible to make a decsion which
> repository should be hit
> using the value provided in groupId tag of the dependency.
> so if it is <groupId>foo/baa/xxx</groupId>  the repositry A and
> only A should be vistied
> if it is <groupId>bazz/aa/xxx</groupId> repositories B and C
> should be visited.

I am not sure that this is fine grained enough. I can imagine a use 
case in which a developer has dependecies on jar A & jar B both 
having the same groupId with a repository tied to say QA snapshots. 
For whatever reason the developer decides that he wants Jar A from 
the bleeding edge repository while leaving Jar B from the QA 
repository (maybe confirming a fix to a QA issue?) In any case 
having the repository assigned to the groupID won't meet this case.

I'm not sure just how much of an edge case this is, but I do think 
it is important to have some sort of answer (even if it is a manual 
process of updating your local repo directly)



Stephen Nesbitt
Senior Configuration Management Engineer
The Cobalt Group

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