Richard van der Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 04.12.2006 

> > Actually, before we jump into this, let's consider the use case at 
> > While easily solved by pre-package at this point, we may find other 
> To take these suggestions even further, perhaps the idea of a fixed set 
> of phases is too limiting. An alternative would be to number phases, 
> from (say) 0 to 1000, with the current named phases as aliases for 100, 
> 200, etc. Then it's easy for plugins which need it to slip in an extra 
> phase.

As I said before, I've had very good results with a build system in which 
you can specify arbitrary phases and say "this phase depends on that one".

So I could say "package depends on prepackage-tomcat-war" and maven sorts 
everything out.

This of course means maven has to load all plugins (or at least the 
configs) at startup.


Aaron Digulla

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