On 4 Dec 06, at 11:14 AM 4 Dec 06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richard van der Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 04.12.2006

Actually, before we jump into this, let's consider the use case at
While easily solved by pre-package at this point, we may find other

To take these suggestions even further, perhaps the idea of a fixed set
of phases is too limiting. An alternative would be to number phases,
from (say) 0 to 1000, with the current named phases as aliases for 100, 200, etc. Then it's easy for plugins which need it to slip in an extra

As I said before, I've had very good results with a build system in which you can specify arbitrary phases and say "this phase depends on that one".

And how much luck have you had showing that system to other people? And how much luck have other people had looking at what you've made without them having to consult you?

In my experience it can take an incredibly long time to pass that knowledge on and if the original author of the system is not around it can verge on disaster. People often forget the real costs because they understand it themselves but neglect the critical factor of having to transfer this knowledge to someone else. Creating a system where you have random interaction can potentially create a system with extremely high infrastructural costs. Shared infrastructure means lower costs and that means a predictable system.

These needs for new phases arise and we can deal with them. I don't see any point in creating arbitrary phases because almost all application development has the same requirements. They are far less wildly different then people like to think.


So I could say "package depends on prepackage-tomcat-war" and maven sorts
everything out.

This of course means maven has to load all plugins (or at least the
configs) at startup.


Aaron Digulla

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