On 3/12/07, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11 Mar 07, at 9:48 PM 11 Mar 07, Jerome Lacoste wrote:


Some days ago we talked about trying to not expose the internal maven
> plexus-utils to the projects it builds.

I have done work on trunk and am working with Torsten to finish the
minijar plugin to hide internal dependencies.

> I see that 2.0.6 will have plexus-utils 1.4 (
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2828) but will the root issue
> be also
> fixed in 2.0.6 ?

It's actually 1.4.1, but it's really the surefire plugin which is
going to cause grief.

Do you mean that hiding the dependencies will break the surefire plugin ?
I have several plugins that would benefit from using the latest plexus-utils
and if I got it right, they won't be able to do it until this is fixed.


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