Sounds like a great idea for a very useful plugin. I'm sure many of us
have followed this same pattern when it comes time to do a release
which utilizes snapshot plugins or artifacts.


On 4/12/07, Nigel Magnay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's how I deal with instances where I need a snapshot plugin in my
> corp build:
> 1. Checkout the code for the snapshot.
> 2. Build it, changing the version to something like
> 2.0-[companyname]-svnrev
> 3. If I have to patch the source at all, I take the whole thing and put
> it in my svn. If not, then the svnrev in the release points me back to
> where I got it in case I need it later.
> 4. Deploy it to my repos.
> 5. Use this now "internally released" version in my builds.

I've done this, and also with smaller external snapshots I've downloaded
them and just adjusted the metadata (and filename) before deploying to my
local repos.

What would be really, really, really useful would be a plugin that you could
call that would download a snapshot of a project and its (transient,
snapshot) dependencies, re-label it as a fixed internal version. There's
occasions where you just can't wait for an external project to release (and
of course this problem is recursive!), and rebuilding everything yourself is
a bit drag on the person doing a release.

something like
mvn artifact:freeze-snapshot org.apache.myfaces myfaces-all 1.1.6-SNAPSHOT

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