>Everything else you said below makes sense and is pretty much in line  
>with my experience, so I think it's best to defer this for a general  
>mixins proposal (if at all).

I'm pretty sure that a general ability to "include" or "mixin" some
other piece of xml into the pom would come in handy, but this is a
totally different topic and would need some thought around inheritance,
deployment, etc. I agree with with Wayne's comments in the poll thread:

" I am concerned though that providing mixins will send us further down
the path of moving more and more pieces out of the pom which is not the
right move IMO. If we add plugin+version in mixin v1, then people will
want plugin+version+configuration in mixin v2, and in a short period of
time we'll have re-invented <parent> and <pluginManagement> in non-pom
files which really makes no sense at all."

If we do mixins, we need to be careful that we don't open things up too
much and make total messes out of the build. I could see this leading
towards ant like craziness when things aren't linear (inheritance) or
self contained..

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